By Sumaya Hussein

Residents in Mavoko have complained about the carelessness of lorry drivers seen using the Daystar road. This comes a day after a boda boda rider was killed in an accident with a lorry, on the Devik-Daystar route.
At around 11am this morning, roadblocks were set up on the tarmac stretch to restrict lorries from passing. Members of the community demanded that the lorries be stopped from using the route, especially since they are not supposed to.
The residents and students from Daystar also noted that the lorries are usually overloaded and driven recklessly, posing a threat to the safety of pedestrians on the road.
Officer Commanding Police Post, John Mutua, was present at the road blocks and was seen to be in communication with residents.
“We are trying to sort the issue, and we have sent them to KeNHA (Kenya National Highways Authority) so that what needs to be done is understood,” said Sgt. Mutua.

The community is also concerned over the damages the lorries cause on the newly constructed tarmac road, that was built to carry up to 10tonnes. The vehicles however, overload to weigh more than 20tonnes, despite there being a road sign indicating the weight limit.
Those responsible for constructing the road say the lorries should adhere to the weight limit to avoid destroying the tarmac.
“If they can reduce their tonnes, it would be better because we have put road signs showing the amount they should carry,” said the foreman, Dennis Odhiambo.
The boda boda riders have also expressed their dissatisfaction of sharing the route with the lorries. Apart from damaged roads, they complain about accidents that occur between lorries and riders.
Two riders have died already, and one of them was laid to rest on Saturday. Another broke his leg after colliding with a lorry.
A few lorries were turned backed today at the roadblocks however, this did not last long since the road was reopened a little while later.

What an amazing and captivating story