Wanjiru Njoroge is a third-year student pursuing her degree in Business Logistics at Daystar University. However, there is more to her than what meets the eye. Wanjiru is a photographer focusing mostly on nature photography. Her photography Instagram page, @_rushema_, is flooded with the most breath-taking pictures of the environment and people she interacts with. This week I had the pleasure of engaging her in a conversation about her photography.
She pays homage to her father who is a photographer too, she credits him as her inspiration for starting her photography journey. She grew up watching how he interacted with the surroundings and was able to capture the moments, she too wanted to capture her memories and the wonderful experiences she encounters.
Wanjiru explained her fascination with photography began in 2015 and she described herself being particularly drawn to nature photography, though she has doubled in portraits and event photography. She is quoted saying “her heart has a special place for nature”, not only does nature bring her peace but also through her photography she has a platform to inspire people to take action against climate change by showing the beauty and importance of the environment through her photos. Her most notable photo series is the ‘Sunset series’ where she has been able to capture the sunset here in Athi River so beautifully.
For Wanjiru, photography is more than a hobby and she continues to practice it because “it makes me feel calm” and allows her one her worst days to take that negative energy and to channel it into photography into positive energy. She hopes to transition to documentary series type photography by showing what life is from a day to day basis, the good and the bad moments. She encourages those who want to take up photography or are currently practicing it to do what they love and to do it to the best of their ability.
Lastly, I asked her for the most embarrassing shoot she had and she went on to say once when working during a baby shower shoot, she was having such a lovely time and the clients were so friendly and there was so much food, that she forgot that she was supposed to be working but instead felt like part of the party.
I had a lovely time, interviewing her and I hope that she can inspire more people to venture into photography particularly using photography to shed light on the challenging issues in our society such as climate change. Do not forget to check out her Instagram page: www.instagram.com/_rushema_/