

By Gladys Sheila

Thumbnail image courtesy of: wikipedia

Uganda has been recorded as the country hosting the largest number of refugees in Africa with 1.3 million refugees. It is also the third largest country in the world.

The Ugandan approach towards the refugees has been termed as a good lead especially to the other host countries. According to a new report released by the World Bank Group says that as much these countries are supporting refugees, there is need to improve the social and economic status of the countries hosting the refugees and refugees too.

According to the report given World Bank Group, Uganda has been progressing on helping the refugees, whereby the refugees’ policies with support from humanitarian partners have managed to give equal social services access as the host where sometimes they enjoy more of the services than the host communities.

“The people of Uganda have been incredibly generous towards refugees, and this generosity of the host communities should be recognized by supporting them to have a higher quality of life. This study provides an evidence-based understanding of the living conditions of both refugees and hosts, which we expect will inform policy and programming for the national refugee response,” Tony Thompson, World Bank Country Manager for Uganda said.

The report done by World Bank Group shows that about 95 percent of refugees and 66 percent of the host have access to improved water but the access to electricity for both is 50 percent. However, both can access health facilities as well as improved sanitation, although this is made easier by the Non-Governmental Organization. The report also shows that refugees remarkably contribute to the local economy, by purchasing goods and services in the local markets and operating businesses.

However, both can access health facilities as well as improved sanitation, although this is made easier by the Non-Governmental Organization. The report also shows that refugees remarkably contribute to the local economy, by purchasing goods and services in the local markets and operating businesses.

However, 48 percent of refugees live in poverty this is because more than 50 percent depend on humanitarian support, due to their inability to generate income because they do not have sills or are not taken through trainings.

The report given recommendations on some measures to be taken in order to improve self-support of refugees and also communities that are hosting them improve their living conditions, supporting Ugandan economy as well. This will be achieved by increasing the agricultural productivity by providing inputs as well as creating job opportunities.

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