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Home » DCCC Health Awareness Week a Success

DCCC Health Awareness Week a Success

by Winnie Barake


Students getting check-ups during Health Awareness Week at the DUSA Park in the main campus at Athi River – Saddam

Daystar Compassion and Care Centre (DCCC) organized and ran a health awareness week at the DUSA park in the main campus in Athi River.

The health week ran from Monday to Friday and lasted for an entire day every day. The program was out to make students aware of their health situation, and included both physical and mental health checkups.

This year, the team partnered with Equity Afia and Nairobi Women’s Hospital to provide free checkups that included, HIV testing, optical, dental, high blood pressure and BMI tests.

Consultants from the service providers also gave additional information, to those who wanted to know more about taking good care of their personal health.

DCCC Vice President with Equity Afia service providers – Saddam

HIV/AIDS testing and consultation registered the highest number of turnouts from students, out of all other check-ups available.

The service providers commended Daystar for organizing the program and encouraging students to avail themselves for the tests. They further urged the institution to conduct health weeks at least twice a semester for the good of the students.

DCCC is a student body that is focused on providing holistic health to the Daystar fraternity and the community as a whole.

The group purposes to help students with psychosocial and health challenges through support groups that are held on a weekly basis.

DCCC Coordinator and Service Providers – Saddam

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