
Vigil held for the Late Daniel Boronjo.

By Baraka Mboya

Thumbnail Photo courtesy of Christine Wambui 

Residence of Krypton’s Apartments held a Virgil in memory of the late Daniel Boronjo yesternight 9 December at Krypton’s Apartments.

Desh Eagle and his close friends led the vigil. Daystar students also joined them to show support, love and light a candle for the late Boronjo.

The Virgil started at 8:30 pm, with the DCF chairperson, Moses Wisdom who shared a short word encouraging those in attendance to learn a lesson from the late Daniel Boronjo’s life and gave a short prayer. His close friends shared close memories and expressed their loss of a great friend.


The Vigil was held till later yesternight. Candles were lit around his picture and some used their candles to draw his name.

In memory of the Late Daniel Boronjo, may his soul Rest In Peace.

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