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{Photo courtesy of Washington Post}


By Joe Aura


‘The period of global warming is over; we are now in the era of global boiling,’ These were the sobering remarks of UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Scientists have now confirmed July 2023 as the hottest month ever recorded on Earth.

The term “global boiling” refers to the current state of the earth as a result of climate change. It is a term used to characterize the extreme heatwaves and droughts that are becoming more common and severe. It sounds like one of those words you’ve heard someplace before. Perhaps on an infographic or a conspiracy theory group discussion. However, it is not a scientific term; rather, a term coined by the U.N that appropriately defines the status of the climate.

The revelation of Global Boiling by the UN is a grim warning. Temperatures are rising, weather patterns are shifting and we must act even quicker to combat climate change. Global warming’s repercussions are already being seen around the planet. We are experiencing protracted droughts and chilly days, which force everyone to dig out their best winter wardrobe.

One of the solutions is to cut greenhouse gas emissions and shift to renewable energy sources. Greenspace reports wildfires raging through countries such as Greece, while oil giant Shell just reported quarterly profits of more than $5 BILLION (£3.9 billion). Big oil and gas businesses are accused of benefitting from the climate distraction all around us. In addition to Greece, flames are raging in Algeria. One-third of the world’s droughts occur in sub-Saharan Africa, and Ethiopia and Kenya are enduring one of the worst in at least four decades . So, certainly, Africans are also affected by this.

But let’s face it, Shell and these big consumer corporations give things that people need. Most industries in the world depend on them for the flow of production. Few, however, have been able to adopt and use their products less. Millennials are the generation making the biggest difference, since 24% of them practice eco-friendly living. But what about the 76 percent who cannot afford electricity or electronic vehicles and automated machines? Even if we are beginning to see green energy enter Africa, I for one don’t think it makes sense to buy a hybrid or electronic car just to drive it on some of the cratered roads within the country.

The evidence is clear though : extreme weather is increasing the frequency and severity of wildfires, and some economic models are benefiting from it. But as of 2021, 85% of individuals worldwide think sustainably while making purchases, having adjusted their behavior to be more environmentally conscious. It really is to everyone of us to do our share to safeguard the world for future generations.

God gave absolute power over His creation and assigned dominion over the animals to humanity (Genesis 1:26), yet it appears that humans have done everything but secure the situation here at home. It’s not that our species isn’t capable; we conquer, manufacture, and develop incredible innovations while learning more about ourselves. I mean, just the other day, a bunch of scientists developed a transcriber that allows deaf individuals to read your lips.

The most catastrophic implications of climate change are still avoidable, according to a group of the world’s leading energy experts, economists, and social scientists, but only if societies take urgent, decisive action to put the globe on a safer course. So you and I are more than capable of treating our world in the manner in which we would like to be treated. Not our mother earth, but the negativity in our planet, should be burned. Everyone has a role to perform. Let us remain calm and work together to save the earth.


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