

By Tabitha Museo


The opening of a water plant marked a major advancement for Daystar University’s commitment to sustainability and the wellbeing of its students. Professor Laban Ayiro, the Vice Chancellor, led the initiative and was present to commemorate its launch.

With its state-of-the-art equipment, the water treatment facility guarantees that the water provided to the campus community is of the purest quality and satisfies all safety regulations. The plant’s architecture ensures a steady and dependable supply of water by processing and purifying water from the school’s borehole.

The initiative’s most noteworthy effects have been seen in the students’ financial situation. Now that they have access to drinkable, clean water on campus, students don’t have to set aside money for bottled water. For many, this has resulted in real savings, enabling them to reallocate money toward other requirements, like personal and educational ones. “I do not have to walk all the way to the shops outside school to get fresh water, ‘’ Julian a fourth-year student said.

The student body has expressed strong support for the water plant’s financial relief and convenience. Julian Tallam, a fourth-year law student, expressed her gratitude saying, “This water plant is a game-changer for us.” Every week, we used to spend a large sum of money on bottled water. We may now use that money for other necessities like education.”

Furthermore, the greater availability of clean water has resulted in a considerable increase in students’ hydration levels. With the scorching sun a regular aspect of the region, being appropriately hydrated is critical for the students’ well-being and performance. The water plant has reduced the need for students to carry heavy bottles across campus, assuring a steady supply of fresh water to keep them refreshed and attentive throughout the day.

As the sun continues to shine on the Daystar University campus, students may take comfort in the realization that access to safe, inexpensive water is no longer an issue. Daystar University establishes a commendable precedent in establishing a sustainable and healthy educational ecosystem with this landmark achievement.

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