
Sunset Fantasy

By Chelangat Caren


Breathtakingly view to stare at

The sunset

Beautiful flakes doting the sky

The sun kissing the horizon

The sun retires with an orange colour

Casting its rays on the blue calm sea

Beyond the horizon

Light surrenders to darkness

And the mysterious moon

Takes it reign to cast the siphoned rays

Craving so much

Yet so little

Imagine wildly

With the imagination radiating

Fantasize a life

Where I sail to the Bahamas

Where I get to go to Canada

Where I immerse my soul deep into creativity

My soul into fashion

And art galleries  around the world

Like I always wanted

Tour the world

Eiffel tower and among many

Learn various languages

Learn cultural values

And spice it up a little

With my bucket list ideas

Love the kind of love

Not fabricated

By the notion of fairytale.

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