


By Samuel Owino.

President William Ruto issued his first state of the nation address at the parliament on Wednesday, November 9, 2023.

The address has come 14 months after he was sworn to office to address the nation on what the government, under his control, has done for the past one year. This is according to the constitution that requires him to deliver an address at least once a year.

The president commented on the projects that the government is handling according to the bottom up agenda and he is confident that they are on the right path.

He noted that the hustler fund, launched on 30th November 2022, is helping Kenyans settle loans and fund their small business enterprises.

“We committed to provide affordable and accessible credit and restore small business owners to good standing with credit rating agencies,”

Dr. William Ruto, commented on fertilizer subsidy. He said that the cost of fertilizer for farmers has decreased from 6500 shillings to 2500 shillings. He says that as a result of these interventions, a two kilogram packet of flour ranges from 145 to 175 shillings according to the brand bought and a gorogoro of maize costs between 60 and 75 shillings.

On affordable housing, the president noted that the construction of 47,000 houses is underway and another 40,000 to commence in the coming weeks.

During an interview on Citizen television, the Attorney General, Justin Muturi, was asked on the rise in cost of a marriage certificate, he said that he was also surprised and that a lot of consultation is happening. “Kenyans have been heard and they should have faith” he said.

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