By Sumaya Hussein

President Uhuru Kenyatta has today banned all public gatherings for 30 days effective, midnight on Friday.
The president noted that the rise in cases of Covid-19 seen in the last few weeks were fueled by political gatherings.
The Head of State added that the restrictions will be extended if infections do not reduce, and apply to everyone regardless of their political or social standing.
In his national address, the President added that burials should be conducted within 72 hours of death, and funeral and wedding attendees are limited to 100 people.
The nationwide curfew has also been extended for a further 60 days, with bars and restaurants ordered to close at 9pm.
Today marks a year since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Kenya.
The country has recently seen a sharp rise in the number of Covid-19 infections, and on Wednesday the Health ministry termed it as a third wave.
However, vaccination programs have so far been launched and over 4,000 people have received their first jabs of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.
Among those vaccinated are healthcare workers and people in uniform as they are on the frontline of battling the pandemic.
President Kenyatta in his address, lauded Kenyans for their resilience against the effects of the pandemic that greatly impacted the economy.
“As much as our nation was wounded, it remains unbowed,” said Kenyatta, “Instead of giving into the shocks of lockdowns, businesses have reengineered their business models, responding to shocks.”