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By Wangui Njau.

Thumbnail Photo Courtesy of

Leaden is the heart.
The heart sees the marvel in people,
The heart refuses to give up on mankind,
The heart that chooses to forget past wrongs,
The heart chooses to love back.

Leaden is the heart,
The heart that loves even when not,
For love bores no ill-will
Even when wronged
The heart chooses to love back.

Heavy is the heart,
Damning heart,
I want you to always smile,
Be fulfilled
The heart chooses to love back.

Leaden is my heart.
The love given,
Never received
But in abundance it gives,
For the world needs a little bit and a little more
The heart always chooses to love back.

The heart is what humanizes us. Being closed off to people, thinking that it makes you stronger, it makes you incapable. Because you will always be limiting yourself, you will always be holding back or holding out. There is ardour in sentiments.

The same passion that brings forth growth in us, also brings innovation and bares creation. The heart allows us to commune, to love and be loved, to appreciate the things most precious in and to us.

This doesn’t mean it has no risk; I’d be a charlatan if I told you otherwise. However, in order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you.

Therefore, you have to hurt in order to know, you have to fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain, because most of life’s lessons are learned in pain and only through embracing these experiences do we make peace with our hearts.


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