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Home » On the day of Saint Valentine…

On the day of Saint Valentine…

I rarely celebrate the 14th February debacle. You ask why? Well I am going to play an old track and say that it is just an overrated day. Come on, you have 365 days to express your emotions. That one day isn’t going to change much. Can I let you in on a little secret? When it reaches that fateful day I usually check the box marked single; that sounds more subtle than the unnecessary details.

So on that day I choose to go ‘wild’ with my girlfriends. I pretend that every single couple walking past me is not having as much fun as I am.

Somebody in their right – or crazy – senses asked me to be their valentine; and yes, I pretended I was very cool about it. Then when I got to thinking all the details that entail that day, I thought why can’t we reschedule and have it some other day. That is how weird I am. But he did not expect all the flowers, poems and whatever gifts people exchange. He just wanted to hang out.

We took a walk and talked about all the stupid and sentimental things in life. We sang love songs. I did most of the singing but he didn’t run away so I should probably start working on my album.

Then the night came. Everyone has a bucket list. I have not done half the things in mine but I am going to tread slowly. I swore that I have to be serenaded before I bid this world adieu and now that is one check for my very long bucket list. I pray in my heart of hearts that someone somewhere is getting jealous by now because that has been my intention all along.

The song, let us call it that for now only because it gives it a more dramatic appeal, is now one of my favorite things to listen to, I feel like I own it now. The day ended with one yellow rose, I hear it means friendship, that’s what I gained that day. See how a day that the whole world assumes is set apart for lovers took a twisted,but happy, turn in my imperfect life? That is the story of my funny valentine; one of those pieces that are needed to complete the puzzle that is me.

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