By: Sumaya Hussein

Marco Laboso has won the Daystar University Students Association (DUSA) elections as the Chair or President, with Monicah Gitau as his deputy.
The two candidates won after receiving 33 out of the 35 electoral college votes that were casted by the congress members. Only one member did not vote.
“I just want to thank everyone for the support. It has been a tough journey and I thank God too. I am ready to serve Daystarians and work diligently,” said Mr. Laboso.
He further stated that he is ready to work with his opponent Ian Agina, to “push the student’s agenda forward”.
The elections were conducted online today from 10am to 1pm and the process was shared on Zoom for interested parties to observe. The results were released hours later by the Electoral Commission of Daystar (ECD) who congratulated all successful candidates.
Other winners of the council include Campus Governors Walter Nalwa (Athi River) and Brian “Zaza” Achoka (V.Road), Paul Caleb (Msando) as Secretary General, and Wambui Njoroge, who took up the highly contested treasurer seat.
The International Students Association of Daystar University (ISADU) chair, was taken by Flavian Ndikumasaba, who will represent all the international students of Daystar in the council.
Campus Governor Athi River, Walter Nalwa says his first order of business will be to put the main campus “in order”.
“As at now, we want to make sure that all the promises we made to the students, administration, support staff and to everyone in the Daystar community is well catered for,” said Mr. Nalwa, “We will keep championing for 100% service delivery to students.”
Ian Agina, opponent of Mr. Laboso, has accepted the results of today’s elections and congratulated the winners.
“The congress men and women have chosen our leaders and I am fully confident that they picked whom they found fit for each position,” said Mr. Agina.
“Mine is to congratulate them and wish them well in their term of service.”