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By Wangui Njau


As the NIV Bible 1Peter, 4:10-11 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.”

Held on Wednesday, July 28 at the Nairobi Auditorium with the weather setting the mood; the show began. “Daystar Talanta is a platform that allows one to showcase their talents, skills, abilities, and brands that are morally acceptable,” said M.C. Cepha as he kicked off the event.

The pompous event held vibrancy and warm shares by supporting your friends who are talented by simply being there and a good platform to showcase one’s talents, skills, passions, and even brands because that’s how you build as an individual. 

There were several performances by those who had signed up as well as from those who were in the audience and felt they had something to showcase. There was dancing both solo and group performances in no particular order, including the special guest of the day, Flirty Carlos and his crew who gave a ground-shaking performance, and our very own Steve, G Tabby, and Rodgers.

We heard poets exceptionally skilled in spoken word either as solo artists like Himelda Mugambi, Clay Otunga, or as the famed duo: Joel Mumo and Kevin Mulela. A Paulo and Paula story in the form of a spoken word, worship song by Oscar, a monologue by Abigael Mutheu, a comedy skit by Alimo Malinga, and freestyle rapping by Oti Major who got a push of support from the DUSA treasurer, Wambui Njoroge in aid of producing his music video. 

Julie and Danto carried the Modelling show which was new to Nairobi as it hadn’t been present in the Athi- River event. They showcased different categories like official wear, casual wear, and the scoop of the day, the evening wear. 

We had a representative, Tracy, from DeshCare International who informed us of the brand’s vision and mission and their latest initiative the sanitary towel drive in Kibera on Saturday the 31st of July 2021. Also present; were student representatives from Mount Kenya University (MKU), University of Nairobi (UoN), and our very own DUSA.

As to any event, there are misses and hits. Some of the misses were: The event started late. It was set to begin at 1:30 but instead began at 2:40 pm (1 hour & 10 minutes later). There was a lot of noise from the audience. A small section of this audience was rowdy. The general mood was a bit mellow probably because of the weather and the day of the event. The sound systems were the struggle of the day and equally so presented a lot of delays.

The event had triumphant hits such as The M.C. of the day was Cepha and he is good at it. He was engaging and had control of the crowd, thus ensuring order. The performances were the prize of the day as they were good, executed with confidence, and brought out a diverse set of talents. 

The turnout overall was actually good. We had some students who would pass by after their classes and engage for a while before heading home. As a culture in most Daystar events, refreshments were served.

All in all, God made us all different. That’s great because together, all of us make up the kingdom. God wants you to use your unique role in the body of Christ to glorify Him. So, if God made you an amazing singer, sing for Him. If your talent is a little less conventional—maybe you’re good with numbers or with writing code—then find a way to translate that into a job or volunteer work for a God-honouring company or ministry. Use your God-given abilities to reach those who don’t know Him—and give Him the credit for your talents.


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