By: Scott Muriuki

The local community around Daystar University including students rallied together on Friday night outside the school gate and set up roadblocks to prevent lorries from passing.
This action was taken after a section of residents who were walking along the road almost got hit by one of the lorries.
This also comes after the residents recently protested to have the lorries stopped from using the road, citing over speeding, overloading and reckless driving.
Local police arrived at the scene to disband the crowd as well as to remove the roadblocks that they said were illegally set up.
Officer Commanding Police Post, John Mutua, assured the protestors that their issues had been raised to the Kenya National Highway Authority (KeNHA) and that they would be addressed soon.
Daniel Mutisya Nzioki, who was the community’s representative, said that they had become “tired of the reckless driving done by the lorry drivers” who were endangering the lives of the locals.
Apart from damaging vehicles, motorists complained that the sand being poured on the tarmac road makes it difficult to drive.
The residents and students from Daystar demanded that the lorries be stopped from using the road especially since they are not allowed to.
They also complained that the road limits were not adhered to since the lorries go against the speed and weight limit of the road.
Motorists and boda boda operators alike complained about the speed the lorries drove at especially at corners and on the rough roads.
After about two hours of confrontation, the lorry drivers were finally able to resume their operations.