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CDC eases mask-wearing guidelines for fully vaccinated

by Sumaya Hussein

The director of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday said that fully vaccinated Americans can now participate in most outdoor activities, without wearing a mask or social distancing.

Man found dead inside parked car in Kisumu

A security guard manning the station noticed a suspicious vehicle that seemed to have been oddly abandoned at the side of the Kisumu-Kisian road for a long period. According to the witness report recorded by Vincent Odongo, the security guard, the man was lying unconscious on his left side across from the driver’s seat to the front passenger’s seat. He raised alarm upon his discovery.

WHO classifies India variant as ‘global concern’

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday classified the Coronavirus variant first found in India, as a global “variant of concern”. The organization said studies of the variant known as B.1.617, show that it may be more transmissible than others.