

Aaron Kituku

Daystar University has today held a career talk on ethical business practices in the market place. The event hosted delegates from connecting business and market place to Christ (CBMC) on what was termed as a pre-convention on the African chapter.

The ICT theatre at the main campus was packed with curious students and staff members ready for insights about the business world, and where the latter meets Christianity and ethics. Godwin Roger, a political science graduate and a serial entrepreneur from the United States of America was the keynote speaker.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do […] People that say ‘No’ are focused people,” Rogers said as he emphasized the need to finding your passion, talents, and gifts as you venture into business.

Further, he emphasized that Self-awareness, Investing in knowledge, taking action, developing skills and cultivating good habits are imperative traits that individuals need to develop to stay atop the business ladder.

“Build relationships, people are not a transaction, people are people.” Rogers clarified. Being in business for the last 20 years, this serial investor admitted to having had zero budgets on marketing. His secret, he said, was building and maintaining good relationships with people.

“I have never failed my entire life […] failure happens when you stop moving forward.” Said Rogers in response to a question from one of the audiences about handling failure. Setting your priorities right – God, Family, Job/Business, Ministry and Fun was, according to Rogers, the recipe to a balanced.

“Pick whoever you want to work with… and don’t discount your value.” Said Rogers in his parting shot.

For information, click here


  1. Pingback: Photo Story: CBMC African Convention – Involvement Newspaper

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