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Report by Leeroy Wuone


On Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at the amphitheatre, Reverend Josphat Kimacia from the chaplaincy department began his sermon based on the book of Isaiah 40 in front of an enthusiastic audience of Daystar students and staff.


“We can get weary at our places of work, you can get weary with your spouse, your parents, your siblings and they can also get very tired of you but the Lord who is everlasting will never grow tired or weary of you”, remarked Reverend Kimacia.

“Even when you struggle with sin(s), then one day you decide to repent, and the next day you find yourself sinning and repenting again, God will never grow tired of you. He strengthens the weary and empowers the weak”, added Reverend Kimacia.

Furthermore, Mr Kimacia continued with a light-hearted grin, “we serve a God who can grow our strength and power, an eternal God whose understanding is beyond explanation. This is a reassuring and comforting reminder, especially during exam periods and even in these trying times when our energy levels begin to drop. From January to December, God’s reign remains unchallenged. He is the same yesterday today and forever.  He requires no broad-based government since He is the government Himself.

Moreover, he reiterated that the word of the Lord declares that the increase of His kingdom and righteous judgment will never cease. Therefore, we should anchor our souls and hearts in this truth and constantly reminding ourselves that “It is well with my soul,” even when life’s challenges press us to the point of questioning, “Is it truly well?”. “Today, we want to affirm that because we have anchored our trust in the everlasting God, it is indeed well with our souls,” Reverend Kimacia encouraged.

Mr Kimacia also gave a comforting reminder to staff and students who were feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities and studies that they are grafted into God, and He is in them, granting them His divine attributes. With confidence in God, even when we feel physically and mentally exhausted, we can find strength in anchoring our faith in the Lord, who never grows tired or weary.

It’s also important to remember Isaiah 40:30, which says, “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall.” This verse is relevant to situations like the recent “Nane Nane” protests, where the youth have grown weary of repeating the same actions without seeing change.

Last but not least, Mr Kimacia firmly emphasized that those who place their hope and trust in the Lord, have an inner assurance, a firm belief that sustains them.

Mr. Kimacia concluded his speech by wishing the students success in the exams and future endeavours, “It is my prayer that as we enter this period, we will soar on wings like eagles, we will run and not grow weary, we will walk and not faint”.


According to Charles Spurgeon “Nothing reflects so much honour on a workman as a trial of his work and its endurance of it. So, it is with God. It honours Him when His saints preserve their integrity.



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