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Home » Gordon Oduor: Unleashing the Magic of Theater at Daystar University!

Gordon Oduor: Unleashing the Magic of Theater at Daystar University!


By Joe Aura,



Gordon Oduor is a 32-year-old student of Electronic Media at Daystar University. He is passionate about telling stories within the community and has developed an interest in theater performance as a hobby. He enjoys acting and scriptwriting.

Growing up in a community with various challenges, he noticed that he was highly vulnerable to problems of the community. This realization led him to venture into teaching as a hobby in his first year. During his tenure as a teacher, he realized what young students were going through. This birthed a forum called SemaNami organization, which means “talk to me, I talk to you.” The purpose of this organization was to allow students to explore their talents and be exposed to opportunities, mentors, and support them with basics that are key to their education. Some of the products they provide are sanitary pads for girls.

Gordon’s passion for theater has not been without challenges. One of his biggest challenges is not being able to fund his dreams. For example, he has tried to finance schools with school sets but the funds have not been able to match the dream. Moreover, the issue of funds has also played into planning events and casts leaving the theater family (SemaNami). “Sometimes the cast has done a great performance and they expect something good, but when the funds do not come in they retract from their passion.”

However, one unique thing about him is that he is an outgoing individual . He takes note of his challenges and uses them as stepping stones. He picks up the challenge, looks at it, dissects it, and sees what needs to be fixed then solves it.

Gordon is looking to impact lives through what he does in theater. Through success stories of many people benefiting from his organization, he pushes on. He also hopes to expose people to avenues they wouldn’t have discovered otherwise.

Gordon is a visionary who has identified the untapped potential of Daystar Clubs. He has taken the initiative to host a play at Daystar University called ‘Urithi’ to keep young people active and keep the clubs alive. He believes that people want to see value in their time and activities, and his play is an excellent way to achieve that goal. Gordon’s ultimate wish is to show young Daystar students that their talent has value in terms of money. He says, “Gone are the days where people do things just for the sake.”



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