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Home » Fire Safety Tips

Fire Safety Tips

By Joe Aura


Students at Daystar University, take note! In light of recent concerns, we’ve created a list of key fire safety tips to keep you safe on campus. Here’s everything you need to know:

1️. Stay calm and think clearly during fire events. Panic can hinder your ability to make safe decisions.

2️. Familiarize yourself with the nearest exits in your classrooms and living areas. Knowing the way out is crucial for a quick and safe evacuation.

3️. Avoid using elevators during fires. Always use the stairs to evacuate the building.

4️. Check to see whether the door is hot or if there is smoke coming through it before opening it. If this is the case, find another way out.

5. If there is smoke, crawl low to reduce smoke inhalation. The air closest to the ground is cleaner.

6. Use a fire extinguisher to put out small fires if it is safe to do so. Sweep side to side, aiming towards the base of the flames.

7. If you detect a fire, notify people and assist them in evacuating if necessary. When there is an emergency, every second matters.

8: Pay attention to fire alarms and obey authorities’ directions. They are there to help you get to safety.

Remember that prevention is key! Avoid using flame-producing materials around classrooms, ensure electrical appliances are in good condition, and never overload sockets. Stay safe, Daystar University students! We can protect ourselves and our community from fire threats if we work together.

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