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Home » Daystar to Retain Online Classes in January 2021

Daystar to Retain Online Classes in January 2021

By: Sumaya Hussein (

Thumbnail photo courtesy of Daystar University

Daystar University will continue administering classes online, as a few physical classes will be taking place in the campuses come January 2021.

In an email sent to the school on Monday, only nursing students, science students and those admitted during the October 2020 physical semester will start face to face learning in January 2021.

Other courses, according to the email, are to continue with online learning.

“Save for the programs outlined above, all other undergraduate, certificate and Diploma students will remain online,” read the email.

All continuing postgraduate students taking PGDE, Master’s and PhD programmes, as well as new postgraduate students from October 2020 and January 2021, will study online as well.

Students to start physical classes in January include; all nursing students admitted in 2020 and January 2021, all undergraduate students admitted to the October 2020 physical semester, all law students admitted in August 2020 and January 2021, will have physical classes at the Athi River Campus.

Photo courtesy of Laguma

For continuing students, all nursing students admitted in 2018 and 2019 will continue with their clinical placements. All Upgrade Nursing students admitted in 2020 and 2021, will have physical theory classes at the Nairobi campus.

All students taking Biomedical Science, Environmental Heath, Actuarial Science, Applied Computer Science and Bachelor of Education Science (B.Ed Science), will have physical classes at the Athi River campus.

The 15% fee discount previously offered for online classes has been discontinued due to the government suspension of all tax waivers.

Physical orientation for new students is set to begin on January 4, 2021.

The University Portal will be opened for registration of courses on January 4, 2021 once the timetable has been released. Both physical and online classes will begin on January 11, 2021.

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