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Home » Daystar Chess Falcons Move up the Ranks in Kenya Online Chess League

Daystar Chess Falcons Move up the Ranks in Kenya Online Chess League

By Karan Christie

It was a good weekend for the Daystar Chess Falcons who managed to climb up the ladder from 10th to 6th position in the ongoing Kenya Online Chess League. A total of 21 teams are participating in this prestigious event.

Three games were played over the weekend on 28th and 29th of August 2021. The team managed to secure three wins with a total of 10 rounds yet to be played.

Playing online is a new experience as some players can be prone to mouse slip and poor network; a drawback which wouldn’t be seen in a physical match. However, there are also benefits such as quick analysis of one’s game and opponents. This in turn helps to strategize and prepare against the next team.

The Kenya Chess Federation has adopted a hybrid system where the league will be conducted online on Tornelo platform, approved by FIDE (the international governing body of chess). Open tourneys will be physical under the guidance of the Ministry of Health (MOH).

Daystar was represented by the following Chess Falcons:

Board 1: Glen Kingoina

Board 2: Edwin Kipterem

Board 3: Weldon Ngetich

Board 4: Brian Ngetich

Board 5: Karan Christie/Vincent Muthuiya

Board 6: Olive Sang/Wamuyu Macharia

Daystar Chess Falcons continue to grow in number and in strength.

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