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By: Nyokabi Ng’ang’a (

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Bring them who haven’t lost their voices amid the noises of our cities
Bring them who still maintained dignity after the war passed
Bring them who had no name but acquired one on their exit
Bring them who still chose their names after their nations broke
Bring them who didn’t forget where they came and where they belonged
Bring them who still have a remembrance of the peaceful nights and the deserted days
Bring them who could smell the roses and distinguish them from the lilies
Bring them who could differentiate spices of the known fields
Bring them who knew and maintained a love
Bring them who forgot hate and kept hope alive
Bring them whose feet are tired from walking the mileage
Bring them who know masala tea and serve it from their genial hearts
Bring them whose dances were not watered away as the rains fell
Bring them whose smiles light our hearts.

Bring them who lost their voices amid the noises of our cities
Bring them who broke away from their dignified lives as our war spread
Bring them who had names as they became entrants
Bring them who forgot their names after their nations broke
Bring them who forgot where they came from and where they belonged
Bring them who forgot the peaceful nights and the deserted days
Bring them who cannot distinguish the scent of roses from lilies
Bring them who can’t differentiate spices of the known fields
Bring them who forgot and didn’t maintain love
Bring them who remembered hate and kept anxiety alive
Bring them whose feet are still wandering as they mile away
Bring them who forgot to serve masala tea from their genial hearts
Bring them whose dances were watered away as the rains fell
Bring them whose frowns remind our hearts…

Bring them!!

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